
Hello, my name is Andrew Small. I’m an aspiring journalist based in Washington, D.C.

While earning my master's in political science at American University in the District, I’ve had the pleasure of working with some talented journos, wonks, and data-geeks. If you’d like, please gawk at my badges of honor from internships and jobs or read some of my best work

This site is my repository for my clips and school work. You might also be interested in my current blog, which feels a lot less stuffy than much of the writing on this portfolio.

Before jaunting off to the Capitol, I grew up in Gettysburg selling Civil War antiques, and I studied journalism at Temple University in Philadelphia. I enjoy reading and writing about politics, history, and music.

Drop me a line, ASMALL1863 [at] gmail [dot] com or if you’re brave, tweet to me @ASmall_Word.